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6 Stora spoilers och teasers för säsong 6!
Om du har undrat vem som ska bli den nya "big-bad guy" så kan din väntan ta slut. Caroline Dries har valt ut Chris Wood som kommer spela Kai till den nya psykot som komemr bo i Mystic Falls. Såhär säger hon:
He is just like a crazy person and he's super-fun to write and the actor's name is Chris Wood. He's very charismatic and charming and psychotic and likable and unlikable in all the right ways, you get to meet him in a few episodes and he's gonna stick around for a while, hopefully
Förra säsongen var bara fokus på doppelgängers och deras historia. Vi kan nog alla säga att vi är lite uttjatade på dem. Såhär förklarar Caroline:
I just finished Episode 10. We haven't said it once in 10 episodes. In the writers' room sometimes we'll be like, "Ugh. Maybe this is a doppelgänger thing' and like, 'Nope. Don't say that word. Somebody think of a different idea.' We've been pretty diligent about that. And I'm pretty sure if we say it, it's just to make fun of it
Ni vet ju att de förut gick på High School var ju aldrig riktigt där och det verkade inte vara så viktigt. Men eftersom alla nu är på Whitmore College kommer det bli mycket viktigare nu. Speciellt för Caroline som är desperat på att ta bort förtrollningen som ligger över Mystic Falls och tar bort all magi och sedan kunna återvända. Även om hon bara går försa året så är det väldigt viktigt för hennes resa. Såhär säger Dries:
It's important to her, like the town, it's more of a symbolic thing for her and less of a plot-drive, if that makes sense
We were like, 'We could make this a storyline where they get a bunch of witches and they try to undo the Traveler Spell,' then we're like 'Then we're having scenes with witches and then we're doing spells and no one cares.' So we were like, 'Let's not make that the main story and let's just make it more of the metaphor for what they can't have, which is the ability to go home and be together and sleep in their own beds and stuff like that.'
We've always kinda said it's like the metaphor for when you're in your second year of college and it's like, 'OK. Now I'm in college. My home is now where I go home on Thanksgiving or Christmas vacation.' It stops feeling like home after a little while and like, 'This is my life'
Enligt Dries så kommer Alaric ha mycket känslor vilket bara kan betyda, han kommer att spåra ut någon gång. Och såhär förklarar hon:
He is a vampire hunter who was turned into a vampire, went crazy and then died. So now that he's back, it's like, 'Oh, he's gonna have some emotional baggage. But, he's also kinda an adult figure on the show. So as Elena's going through her drama and Jeremy's got his drama, it's like he can't just sit there and mope and cry about his problems, so he internalizes a lot of stuff
Stackars Matt har nu länge vart människa och som det verkar, vara den enda människan i Mystic Falls. Men nu kommer han få besök av en ny människokaraktär Tripp. Fans har vart väldigt nervösa på hur han kommer att vara men Dries förklarar honom som en balanserad kille. Såhär säger hon:
He came about because we wanted to show Matt thriving in Mystic Falls without supernaturals. Every episode Matt is having his life in jeopardy or somebody's threatening to kill him or something. So it's like, 'What's Matt's life like when he can just not have to have a death threat every five minutes.' We kinda wanted to give him a father figure-type, coach kinda guy, so that's where Trip came out of. But it's Mystic Falls, 'The Vampire Diaries,' not everyone is who they say they wanna be, but he'll ultimately become kinda an interesting, layered dynamic character that's not necessarily a good guy or a bad guy. He actually represents I think like a normal person if you're not in love with Damon or Stefan, like a normal person's point-of-view on the whole vampire world
Det verkar som TVD författare har äntligen insett att den ökända triangeldrama kan ha blivit för stort och slukade resten av showen . Dries var orubblig det blir romantik, men kanske lite mindre av det än några fans skullevilja... Och såhär säger hon:I can tease that we definitely keep the love stories alive. We might not play it out in a tradition way, but they will feel very satisfying. You'll have your moments of frustration where the fans hate us and then we'll have moments where they're freaking out and being thankful, so there's kinda like that push-and-pull that we do, but I think it's done in a way that feels fresh for a show that's in Season 6 and has had the same characters and this love triangle for a long time.
I don't really call it a triangle, because Stefan has become more of a soul-friend of Elena's and so he's dealing with his own stuff, but those two are still very connected, but it's more 'How do we maintain Elena and Damon's love story while he's not present?' So that was our challenge as writers, but I think we do a cool job of it
Så om något utav detta är sant får vi se, börja med 2 Oktober klockan 21.00.